Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Beginning

B O R E D what does that spell?! BORED!!!!!!!! ugh i cant believe im even doing this if people even knew the real me they would HATE me!!!!!!!!!!!! then again thats why im using a fake name... thats right, my name is not roxanne robinson!!!! though i love my name id rather my name was roxy and the last name robinson just popped into my head for no apparent reason. srry for my spelling im just typing what ever really comes into my head. now where should i start... well idk i would start at the begining but where exactly was the begining? but then how should i start... OMG thank u hot topic!!!!!!!!! At freehold mall the hot topic was giving out free bags and i got one it says "music=life" so maybe thats where i should start, idk i guess ill just go with that since almost all the music on my ipod has something to do with something in my life right? im probably just talking to myself anyway since i doubt anybody out there will want to read this crap. not that any of this is a lie, well except my name, actually every thing here is 100% fact and if u dont believe that i dont car :P anyway gtg peace /\ . /\